Experts in Addiction Treatments

Is legalising sale of alcohol in South Africa’s schools a good idea?

Alcohol Schools

Is legalising the sale of alcohol in South Africa’s schools a good idea? Cape Town’s ANC has recently slammed the DA’s plans to sell alcohol within schools. South Africa’s DA (Democratic Alliance) the principle governing body, have pushed for a bill to be passed allowing alcohol to be sold in schools in Cape Town. They […]

Treatment Advisory Service

Treatment Advisory Service

For anyone seeking private alcohol or drug treatment, also known as rehabilitation, or rehab for short, Sober Services can assist you in accessing the very best options available to you based upon your budget from around the world, including the top rehabs in the USA, UK, Europe, or further afield such as rehabs in Thailand […]

What to look for in a Sober Companion

7 Essential things to look for in a Sober Companion

When we meet with families and concerned parties, one of the questions we ask is “What would be your very best possible outcome for your loved one or colleague?”

6 ways to convince an Alcoholic / Addict to accept help

Over my professional career as an Addiction Consultant, I’ve talked with thousands of family members about their loved one, who more often than not doesn’t have the same desire to change their drinking or drugging habits as the rest of their family would prefer.This has meant that over the years and indeed generations, far too […]

12 Step Meetings – uncovered

There are few places in the world where you’ll find more honesty, vulnerability, courage, and mutual support than in a 12-Step Fellowship Group meeting. The 12 Step meetings are an extremely important resource of someone’s recovery for two reasons. First, they’re effective. Millions of people have recovered through them. Second, they’re free and available around […]

10 Suggestions for a Healthy Recovery

I’ve been working One-On-One with a gentleman with full blown addictions to drugs and alcohol recently and after my recent post titled 10 Recommendations For A Healthy Future referencing how to beat an addictive compulsion when you’ve not crossed the line into addictive disease, he requested that I write a list for him. So, this […]

Robin Williams R.I.P.

Robin Williams

I awoke this morning to learn of the very sad passing of Robin Williams, apparently from suicide due to his depression. It was widely known that Robin Williams found recovery from his own addictions (cocaine and booze) after John Belushi’s tragic overdose, but perhaps less known that he had been struggling with relapse for the […]

7 Reasons for a Sober Intervention


The usual rhetoric that people who have a loved one who is currently in the grips of their addiction, be that alcohol, narcotics, eating disorders, gambling, or any other behavioural or process compulsion, is to wait until they are ready to have help and any interfering with just prolong their determination to engage with their […]

Are you a problematic drinker or an alcoholic?

10 ways to tell if you have a problem developing you’re your alcohol consumption, or if you have already become a problematic drinker or alcoholic  Answer these 10 questions honestly to determine whether you have an alcohol problem or if you are an alcoholic. 1) Do you drink to relieve stress? You have come to […]

Effective Ways to Carry out Alcohol Intervention

Nobody in his right mind would love to see his or her loved one become an alcoholic without feeling very worried and very concerned. It may be true that alcoholism is not an easy condition to treat, but then, alcohol intervention also works wonders if the process is handled the right way. For a start, […]