Experts In Addiction Treatment Recovery
Helping Maintain Permanent Recovery
Thank you for visiting Sober Services. We’re grateful for your interest in us and we’re always happy to help.
Sober Services is a results driven organisation working all around the world, operating bases from the UK, Europe, North America and Thailand, utilising a variety of techniques to help people attain and maintain permanent recovery from their addictions.
Sober Rehab (Thailand)
Sober Interventions (Global)
Sober Companions (Global)
Our team our here to help, call us now to see how we can help someone you care about.
Operated like a discreet bodyguard whose duties are to ensure that whenever a situation with alcohol (or drugs) presents itself, we will preserver our client's Safety, maintaining their recovery and helping them to make the right choices.
After treatment clients often are unable to maintain their progress during their first few days outside of treatment. This return to home and work environments can be a difficult transition. That is why we provide encouragement and companionship during this crucial time.
We match up your exact requirements with a trained Companion who can use various different tools from many different models of training to prevent a relapse.
Sober Companions or Sober Bodyguards can be employed in any situation from any type of meeting or engagement such as seminar, award ceremony, visits to a lawyer, hospital appointments, family affairs, weddings etc
The Sober Companions or Sober Bodyguards are trained to diffuse the anxiety that accompanies new sobriety. They are usually sober and drug free themselves, so they can present a role model and healthy conversation.
Our only Goal is to deliver you or your client safely without any further unnecessary alcohol or substance use.
“Of course we can do that”
Sober Services began formally operating in 2008 after the founder felt motivated by the successful models he was witnessing working extremely effectively amongst the private sector of addiction treatment in parts of the USA. He had been working within Residential Rehabilitation Centres for over 8 years and had the experiences of building and establishing one Centre in 2004, before founding another in 2006.
The thrill of watching people recover and the knowledge that he played a part in their recovery process was enough to persuade him that by offering Sober Services within the United Kingdom and the European Union (he speaks French) he would be able to offer something fairly unique and original to those seeking a certain level of attention whilst beginning their journey towards recovery. These days, Sober Services usually has active cases across the world, including UK, Europe, Africa, Asia, North America and the Middle East.
Sober Services really began when Ian Young, the Founder was asked to assist with a Hollywood film production being shot in England and their leading lady needed some help, that Sober Services began to formally launch their Sober Companion and Sober Body Guard services, recruiting other people to join the team and becoming the first Sober Companion service outside of North America.
It was also around this point that he began to use the term “of course we can do that”.
More recently, Sober Rehab was launched due to the demand from various clients around the world for a Recovery experience in a beautiful part of the world (Phuket, Thailand), where we could really provide a breast service but at such a reduced cost compared to anywhere in the Western Countries like USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, etc.
These days, Sober Services are happy to offer anything from light support right the way through to very intensive accompaniment 24 / 7, and pretty much everything in-between. Basically, we’ve probably been asked it before, and our attitude is always “of-course we can do that”.
All of our Sober Transporters, Sober Companions, Sober Bodyguards and Sober Coaches are people who have made a choice to dedicate their lives to the well being of other alcoholics and addicts seeking recovery. They have all successfully beaten their own addictions and are fully aware of how to deal with addicts and alcoholics in early recovery. They have been chosen based upon their responsible temperament, positive personalities, knowledge of successful recovery, and their ability to adapt to the client’s environment. They have all been CRB checked and will have passed our stringent process’s of suitability. This means they are completely trustworthy, kind and able to be firm when required. Yes, of course we can do that!
As our motto says “Yes, we can do that!” so if you have any specific requests, please contact us directly.
“We’re always Happy to Help”
” Hiring a sober worker offers a tough-love approach to beat drink and drug addiction “
– The Daily Telegraph
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“Of course we can do that”
Historically, Sober Services have been best known for their Sober Interventions – where we work with relevant family members and close friends to successfully motivate your loved one to take responsibility for their addiction and accept the help we’re offering – either through another Sober Service or by checking themselves into a residential facility. This is because the founder, Ian Young, was one of the first Interventionists in the Europe, really making himself available to families and serving to help break the chains of addiction and denial one person at a time.
However, it should be noted that prior to Sober Services, Ian Young had built 2 successful British Rehabs from the ground up, and really made his mark upon the way that 12 Step Rehab was positioned in the UK.
So it may be no surprise to find Sober Services now offering Sober Rehab in the beautiful location of the Island of Phuket, Thailand, where Ian now resides and runs Sober Services Global from.
Sober Services also have an outstanding reputation within the addiction treatment industry for their one-on-one ‘Sober Companion‘ addiction treatment model, which uses one experienced Sober Companion to assist the client in becoming alcohol and drug free, often including Sober Coaching and other therapeutic practices aimed at reducing the clients’ chances and reasons for continuing to drink or use.
Each programme is designed to suit the clients’ requirements, which allows us the flexibility to make sure they get the precise results that they and their family or colleagues desire.
We prefer to work one-on-one with the client, so that they get the maximum amount of attention and value from our Sober Services.
As a method of assisted recovery, there is no better model towards enabling someone to have the very best opportunities towards long-term sobriety and a drug free lifestyle, than such an intensive and personal service geared entirely to the client’s specific requirements.
Sober Companions are typically engaged post Residential Rehab as a form of Aftercare. If the assignment involves someone who does not have the time or willingness to attend Residential Rehab, then this would typically be referred to as a Sober Bodyguard.
For those of our clients looking to access residential rehabs or detoxes, we’ve got access to centres all over the world based upon our many years (since 2001) in this industry. Our Treatment Advisory Service will be levied to you at 10% of treatment costs for a global bespoke solution, working with the best facilities around the world within your price range or requirements. That said, we would always ask you to consider our Sober Rehab in Phuket, Thailand, operated by Ian Young himself.
We are currently operating all the services listed on this website, and are always delighted to discuss new ideas or concepts of assisted recovery treatments.
Sober Services is a company built and designed for anybody seeking addiction help, specifically alcohol addiction treatment and / or drug addiction treatment, including alcohol detox. We work with both the individual and the family depending upon the dynamics of the problem.
Sober Services will always try to offer an addiction treatment solution on the client’s terms by bringing the drug or alcohol help to the individual using various methods of treatment including Sober Coaching and Sober Interventions, to help the client in giving up alcohol or drugs.
Sober Coaching is a very useful tool for alcohol therapy, and is a highly successful method for our clients to gain genuine long lasting and permanent alcohol recovery. We offer the same Sober Coaching for drug therapy, since we believe alcohol is a drug. Statistics have proven that treating alcohol as a drug offers the best possibility to gain alcohol recovery or drug recovery.
Primarily, all those seeking drug or alcohol help must begin with an assessment to determine whether or not a drug or alcohol detoxification, is required. Detoxification is a simple procedure aimed at reducing discomfort while the body withdraws from its physical addiction.
IMPORTANT: Never attempt to perform alcohol detox or narcotic detox without proper medical supervision. Without a Doctor’s overview your alcohol detox (or sometimes drug detox) can cause severe medical consequences, including seizures (Delirium Tremors better known as DTs), heart attacks, violent shakes, dizziness, etc. Approximately one in every ten cases of un-medicated alcohol detoxification leads to fatal seizures. Get the appropriate medical help before attempting alcohol detox by yourself!
Sober Services is proud to be recognised as part of EARS – the European Association of Recovery Specialists, for Interventionists, Recovery Coaches & Sober Companions. We’ve worked hard to achieve this membership, which includes our accreditation and insurance, as well as offering us the opportunity to network and discover the best practices with other Practitioners across Europe and beyond.
The Association of Intervention Specialists is a network of professional interventionists across the world. Interventionists guide families and friends, business executives, and others through the intervention process to urge the family and addicted person to accept help. All full members are Certified Intervention Professionals exceeding educational and performance standards.
Code of Ethics: All AIS members adhere to the AIS code of ethics. The code preserves compliance with legal and ethical standards, and safeguards AIS member’s clients.
What People Are Saying About Us
We offer independent and unbiased help choosing which residential rehabilitation centers or detoxification clinics are the most appropriate. Speaking with one of our expert alcohol counselling and drug counselling staff, in total confidence is the first step on the road to a solution. We take the time to understand you and your situation to give you the best advice possible.
Interventions have been successfully used by Sober Services since 2008 to confront and address serious personal problems, including alcoholism, compulsive gambling, drug addictions, substance abuse including prescription pill dependancy, compulsive eating and other eating disorders, self harm, and other behavioural health conditions.
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