Nobody in his right mind would love to see his or her loved one become an alcoholic without feeling very worried and very concerned. It may be true that alcoholism is not an easy condition to treat, but then, alcohol intervention also works wonders if the process is handled the right way. For a start, the word intervention means taking action in a positive way to solve a problem. In this context, alcohol intervention simply means having to take some drastic steps to force the hand of the alcoholic. We call this service a Sober Intervention. We have some of the finest and most qualified Sober Interventionists within thew UK and Europe, trained by the best Interventionists from the United States of America, utilising various different practices depending upon the specifics of each case.
The first thing to do would be to have a confrontation, as it were. This means having to discuss the situation with the person who needs to break the habit of alcoholism. The discussion would involve the alcoholic himself and his or her close relations. At this point, there would be no point in trying to blame the person who needs help. It will not serve any useful purpose to play the blame game. On the contrary, it might even make matters worse.
The aim of the discussion is to make it clear that people who love and care for the alcohol abuser are aware of the person’s condition and want to see the individual seek professional help. Again, the concerned relations will also make it clear that they will not accept a situation where their advice and recommendations will be treated with levity. If the person who needs help accepts the advice in good faith and agrees to seek help, matters will move swiftly towards a proper conclusion. If, on the other hand, the abuser turns defiant or refuses to seek assistance, other strategies will have to be considered. This would mean taking some steps to ensure that the habit is broken.
It has to be remembered that the aim is to effect positive changes. Therefore, it follows that only things that will lead to reform should be considered. The friends and colleagues of the person who needs help should be drafted into the process. Ultimatums should be given making it clear that unless some positive changes are noticed, the alcoholic may become ostracised.
If the alcoholic has children, it would also be a good idea to involve the grown up children as well. The positive power of family is a great force. Anybody who experiences their own children making it clear that they want to see changes will have a profound effect upon them. Everybody wants to remain in the in the good books of his or her children. Finally, a very powerful message will be conveyed if people stop helping the alcoholic until he or she changes or seeks help. These are the most effective ways to carry out alcohol intervention.
Sober Services are experts in Sober Interventions. Please enquire with us using the contact form on the right.