Experts in Addiction Treatments

What is a Sober Companion

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Our services are usually focused on attaining and maintaining complete abstinence from alcohol, drugs and other addictions. However, in some Sober Companion assignments this is not necessarily the goal. In reality, our Sober Companion treatment options are very flexible in order to fit around your specific recovery needs. Whether you have recently found recovery from an alcohol or drug addiction, completed a alcohol or drug rehab programme, or are in need of extra security for a special event or occasion, our Sober Companions and Sober Bodyguard are here to help. We take on short term assignments where we’ll keep an actor sober during their filming season, or a musician on tour, and we’ll work with young adults to create “Recovery centric” environments in a Sober Home set up which run for a year, sometimes more.

Sober Companions – Comprehensive Recovery Support

Perhaps you have recently completed an alcohol or drug detox, or have just left an inpatient rehab environment. The early days and weeks being newly alcohol, drug and addiction free can be very emotionally challenging, lonely, frustrating and frightening.

Our Sober Companions are here to support you, step by step, through these early stages of your recovery; attending recovery meetings, gatherings and functions, by your side to help you find the required confidence in your newfound abstinence from your substance dependency or behavioural addictions. Your family will also undoubtedly feel reassured that you are engaging in such a comprehensive addiction aftercare package.

Each Sober Companion treatment programme is devised according to your specific recovery needs and requirements. This ensures that you gain the maximum benefit from our service. We will configure whatever needs to be achieved in your precise scenario, so it really is a bespoke service to fit you and your family / circumstances.

You may need us for a day, a week, a month, or perhaps longer. We can assist you in reintegrating back into society and adjusting to life in solid recovery. Our Sober Companions provide added security and reassurance in the rehabilitation experience by investing in even firmer foundations of your ongoing personal journey from addiction to recovery.

Sober Bodyguard – Protecting Your Wellbeing and Recovery At All Times

A Sober Bodyguard’s role is to follow the agreed care plan, whatever that may be. In some cases, this may simply be about keeping someone Sober for one day, or even simply away from certain substances, places or people. In this aspect, a Sober Bodyguard operates in more of a Security personal manner.

We appreciate that there are times in recovery when extra support is needed; examples of such occasions may be a wedding, funeral, party or work function, vacation or business meeting. You may even feel that you need to drink or use drugs in order to face such an event alone – especially if there are heightened emotions involved, such as the loss of a loved one or a family member.

Rest assured that our Sober Bodyguards are well equipped and skilled to keep you on the desired recovery path, no matter what happens. Life is life and there is no shame in asking for extra support in times of need.

Family members can also request this service for their loved one if they are worried that they are going to relapse. Unlike our Sober Companion service, the individual does not have to be willing to stay abstinent. Our Sober Bodyguards are trained to deal with exceptional circumstances and protect an individual from succumbing to temptation and relapse.

Complete Confidence and Discretion

Our Sober Companions and Sober Bodyguards are very discreet and professional. They will show up and act or behave however you need them to, such as friend, personal assistant, bodyguard / security, or however you prefer to disguise them, to maintain your appearance. We understand.

They have completed certain industry led training courses to ensure that they are well equipped to guide and support you through even the most testing of times. Because Sober Services has been offering such services since 2008, we are able to offer experienced and credible staff that will fit in with the assignment based on gender, age, sexuality, culture and interests.

Our primary objective is to protect and nurture your recovery and to ensure the success of your care plan, above all else.

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Sober Intervention FAQ

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Sober Interventions

Interventions have been successfully used by Sober Services since 2008 to confront and address serious personal problems, including alcoholism, compulsive gambling, drug addictions, substance abuse including prescription pill dependancy, compulsive eating and other eating disorders, self harm, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and other behavioural health conditions.

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Sober Companion

When you engage us for our Sober Companions Services, you have absolute peace of mind that the person under our care is actively and positively working on their recovery.

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