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Watching someone you love suffer and deteriorate as a result of their excessive drinking and / or drugging is hugely distressing to witness and is usually frightening too. But what is perhaps the scariest aspect of someone’s addiction is when they do not see for themselves that they actually have an alcohol or drug addiction and remain in denial around and the devastating impact that is is having on them and the rest of the family.
Sober Services provide professional alcohol and drug interventions to help those that are in denial or unwilling to access lifesaving alcohol and drug addiction treatment. A Sober Intervention is our language to describe our Sober Services designed model of the alcohol or drug intervention, which truly is to be considered a golden ticket into recovery, when all seems lost.
How do I know if a Sober Intervention (for alcohol, drugs or other behavioural addictions) is needed at all?
If your loved one or family member is suffering negative consequences as a result of their drinking, drug taking and / or addictive behaviour, or suffers from alcohol or narcotic withdrawal symptoms, then they would absolutely benefit from an intervention. It could save their life!
Those that abuse alcohol and drugs on a regular basis can become extremely unwell, because they’re flooding their bodies with poisonous toxins on a daily basis. This will take its toll with time. Yet they may still not see that they have a problem that requires professional inpatient rehab or intensive addiction treatment. They remain belligerent and sure that they don’t have any issues. This is caused “being in denial”.
Our Sober Intervention Services
Sober Services provide professional interventions and first class addiction treatment for alcohol addiction and all manner of drug and behavioural addictions, including: Heroin, Methadone, Prescription drugs, Crack, Cocaine, Cannabis, Legal highs, Opiates, Crystal Meth, Ice, Yahba, Amphetamines, Ketamine, Cough Mixture and Codeines, Gambling, Gaming, Online addictions, Eating Disorders, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Sex and Codependency.
No matter the addiction or behavioural problem that your family member is suffering from, we can systematically break down the denial and help them to see the truth. This then opens them up mentally to accepting our help and accessing one of the various professional or even bespoke private addiction treatment options around the world.
We will match your loved one’s culture, class, personality, gender, age, background, sexuality and any other relevant dynamics about them, in order to place them in the very best location to suit your budget. We have been visiting facilities around the planet since 2003 and so we have some of the most diverse experience of facilities in operation currently. We seek to connect you to only the very best in residential rehab treatment around the worlds. Since an intervention will play the key role in helping your loved one to admit that they have a problem and accept appropriate professional help, we know the importance of choosing the right rehab facility in for them to have the best chances of a successful outcome.
The Sober Intervention will be the first stage towards a sustainable and successful recovery
Statistically, it is proven that those who engage in rehab treatment following an intervention, do better than those who don’t. This is because the denial element of this life threatening illness has already been broken down, leaving them receptive to a comprehensive recovery treatment programme.
No individual is too far gone, too unwell, or too complex to find and maintain long term recovery from addiction or chronic behavioural health challenges with our help during the Sober Intervention and then choosing the best facility for them.
We have been conducting professional intervention services successfully since 2008. Sober services are entirely committed and dedicated to helping each and every person that needs help to recover from addiction; offering a permanent and solid solution.
Reasons for a Sober Intervention
If you’re not sure whether a Sober Intervention is the right thing to do for your loved one, Read our page on reasons for a Sober Intervention.
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Sober Intervention FAQ
Have some questions and answers about our Sober Interventions?
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Sober Interventions
Interventions have been successfully used by Sober Services since 2008 to confront and address serious personal problems, including alcoholism, compulsive gambling, drug addictions, substance abuse including prescription pill dependancy, compulsive eating and other eating disorders, self harm, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and other behavioural health conditions.
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Treatment Advisory Service
We offer independent and unbiased help choosing which residential rehabilitation centers or detoxification clinics are the most appropriate. We base our recommendations of almost 20 years exploring different facilities across the world and understanding the culture of each clinic, which we then map to your loved one.
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