Experts in Addiction Treatments

Drug Addiction Treatment: A personal Commitment to our wellbeing.

Residential Detox
The goal of drug addiction treatment is not simply the cessation of drug and / or alcohol use, but actually the full integration of new, positive and healthy lifestyle choices, leading a fully functional, happy, and productive life.

The goal of drug addiction treatment is not simply the cessation of drug and / or alcohol use, but actually the full integration of new, positive and healthy lifestyle choices, which permit the addict towards leading a fully functional, happy, and productive life. Successful recovery is not the same as abstinence, but rather reflects a cultivation of mental, behavioural and emotional health and wellbeing, within the individuals family relationships, spiritual outlooks upon life, social spheres, and in their workplace.

In the disease model of addiction, and in particular, in the 12 step program of recovery, a genuine healing can take place. What this really means is that a person who was previously struggling and suffering with addictive illness can genuinely achieve a healthy balance in their life and be restored to sanity. As with any other chronic diseases such as heart disease, asthma, or diabetes, symptoms or full relapse may occur. But it can often be mitigated or avoided altogether in individuals committed to following a healthier way of living and following their Doctor’s prescribed medication. In the case of Addiction recovery, the prescription needs to be one of abstinence for the illness to remain in remission.
Just as the diabetic cannot expect to binge on sweets and still enjoy good health, a recovering addict must also live within a framework of healthy choices and lifestyle changes. It takes vigilance to cultivate wellbeing.
One of the most famous recovery systems is this Twelve Step Programme, adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous. There are 12 Step programmes that fit every kind of addiction, and the success of a person in these programs directly corresponds with the degree of his or her own involvement in the actual 12 step program, as well as the meetings. Simply attending meetings occasionally is not the same as getting a sponsor, seeing a Sober Coach, a therapist or some other trained professional, and actively participating in the 12 step workbooks as outlined in their programme of recovery.
Likewise, other modalities also require direct and honest participation by the addict. Multiple studies indicate that hypnotherapy may be a good option for those seeking freedom from substance abuse, but many wrongly assume they can see a hypnotist one time and emerge with no cravings. Often, past events, family-of-origin issues, patterns, limiting beliefs and other painful components of the compulsive behaviour must be addressed. In some cases, these are even re-experienced in a trance state. Emotions can often run high in the pursuit of a healing cathartic response. Rapid transformation can happen, but is often painful. In our experience, hypnotherapy is only successful for highly motivated people with alcohol or drug problems. Once people have full addictions to their substances of choice, hypnotherapy doesn’t have the solution to bring about permanent change, even though it could be considered the easier, softer option, as we’re essentially asking someone else to fix us, whilst we take little responsibility for change in our behaviours and patterns.
Inpatient care may be necessary for some people. The initial withdrawal symptoms may be severe enough to require medical aid or even outright intervention in some cases. In a supervised facility, patients have around-the-clock care and supervision in a safe, supportive, nurturing environment. For some, this level of care is an absolute necessity, but even after a stay in a residential facility, continued sobriety hinges upon the addict’s own personal commitment to health.
There are many options for drug addiction treatment. A healthy recovery depends on utilising everything at one’s disposal for cultivating genuine wellbeing in all aspects of one’s life. If one approach fails, it does not preclude others from working marvellously, but no matter what process the addict follows, a lifetime of new, healthier patterns, decisions, and choices needs to be embraced.
For more ideas about suitable residential or non residential rehab options for you or your loved one, please do get in touch with us at Sober Services. We are connected with facilities around the world and at various budgets and levels of comfort / luxury.


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