The only way to stop using drugs is to stop using drugs.

I’m prompted to respond to the news yesterday of President Obama’s visit to Atlanta to discuss drug policy, specifically heroin addiction and alternate prescribing such as methadone and suboxone. Obama: Addiction is a preventable disease By Nadia Kounang, CNN Updated 2228 GMT (0528 HKT) March 29, 2016 From left, Dr. Leana Wen, Crystal Oertle, Justin […]
7 Reasons for a Sober Intervention

The usual rhetoric that people who have a loved one who is currently in the grips of their addiction, be that alcohol, narcotics, eating disorders, gambling, or any other behavioural or process compulsion, is to wait until they are ready to have help and any interfering with just prolong their determination to engage with their […]